Local Bahamas Photographer
Photos displayed on this website and our social media are copyrighted by the photographer.
Permission to use the photographs is granted for the following limited uses:
Photos may be printed from a web browser for personal, non-commercial uses.
Photos may be downloaded/copied electronically from a web browser for personal, non-commercial uses, with the following limitations:
Photos may not be altered in any way, including resizing or cropping.
Photos cannot be posted on the Internet on personal, commercial, or other sites, without explicit permission from the photographer.
Photos may be use on hotel, wedding/party vendors and event location websites/social media channels as promotion 'Only' with the explicit permission from the photographer.
Photo credits must be provided. Credit should be given as follows: "Photograph by [photographer's name/Company Name]. "
Photos may not be sold or used in any way for profit or commercial purposes, including use in commercial or professional websites or printed materials. Photos may not be used to suggest endorsement by Digital Kafe Photography or any of it related websites or social media pages.